
Alation Cloud Service Applies to Alation Cloud Service instances of Alation

Customer Managed Applies to customer-managed instances of Alation

Before installing and configuring the Talend OCF connector, ensure that you configure the network connectivity and set up the service account.

Create a GitHub Personal Access Token

For GitHub authentication, Alation requires a GitHub Personal Access Token. For more information, see Create a GitHub Access Token process

Push Talend Metadata Files to Git Repository

The Talend metadata .item files should be in a Git repository on GitHub or Azure Repos, supporting both public and private repositories.

  • If you’re using Talend Studio without GitHub integration, the Talend metadata .item files are stored under \<Workspace Name>\<Project Name>\process\ when a Talend job is created. You’ll then need to use a Git tool to push .item files to the Git repository, or you can push the entire <Workspace Name> folder or your preferred <Project Name> folder. The Talend connector will search for all .item files recursively.

  • If you’re using Talend Cloud, your on-premises Talend Studio should have Git integrated. The Talend metadata .item files are stored under \<Workspace Name>\<Git Repository Name>\process\ when a Talend job is created. The Git URL is configured in the Talend Management Console.

    For more information, see Pushing Changes on a Local Branch to the Remote End

Permissions for Metadata Extraction

The minimum permission required for metadata extraction (MDE) is to have a read access to the repository where the Talend metadata files are committed.

Make sure that you follow the Create a GitHub Access Token to select the appropriate scope.