Migrate Custom DB Data Sources to OCF Connectors

Alation Cloud Service Applies to Alation Cloud Service instances of Alation

Customer Managed Applies to customer-managed instances of Alation

The Custom DB data sources can be migrated to Open Connector Framework (OCF) connectors using the single data source method.


Bulk migration is not supported for Custom DB data sources.


Do not perform the migration if the Catalog Object Definition type of the OCF connector is different from the Custom DB.


Before performing the migration:

  • We do not recommend migrating your data sources before you upgrade Alation to 2023.1.5 or newer.

  • You must first install the relevant OCF connector on your Alation instance. See Manage Connectors for directions. Make sure that the connector version is the latest.

  • Make sure you have saved the settings information for your Custom DB or made screenshots of its settings of the Custom DB that you want to migrate.

  • Make sure that the MDE, Profiling, or QLI jobs are not running while you perform the migration.

Catalog Object Definition

The following table provides the Catalog Object Definition of the OCF connectors:

OCF Connector

Catalog Object Definition

Athena OCF Connector


Azure Databricks OCF Connector


Azure Synapse OCF Connector


Denodo OCF Connector


EMR Presto OCF connector


GCP Databricks OCF Connector


Starburst Enterprise (Trino) OCF Connector



  • SSL certificates will not be migrated. Users need to upload the SSL certificate manually post migration.

  • The following OCF connectors offer only default driver methods of metadata extraction in OCF connector, however in Custom DB both driver methods and custom queries were supported:

    • Athena

    • Starburst Enterprise (Trino)

    • EMR Presto

Single Data Source Migration

Supported Data Sources

The File System sources listed in the following table are supported for single data source migration of the File System sources to the OCF connector:


Equivalent OCF Connector


Athena OCF Connector

Azure Databricks

Azure Databricks OCF Connector

Azure Synapse Analytics (Azure DW)

Azure Synapse OCF Connector


Denodo OCF Connector

EMR Presto

EMR Presto OCF connector

GCP Databricks

GCP Databricks OCF Connector

Starburst Enterprise (Trino)

Starburst Enterprise (Trino) OCF Connector

Single Data Source Migration

You can use the single data source migration method if you want to migrate only one data source at a time. Single data source migration can be performed for on-premise installations of Alation or Alation Cloud Service instances, you can migrate using the user interface.


Migration to an OCF connector is irreversible.We recommend saving the settings of your source or taking screenshots of the Settings page before performing the migration.

Migrate a Source Using the Alation UI

To use this method, a Server Admin must first enable it:

  1. As a Server Admin, click the gear icon in the top right corner to open the Admin Settings page.

  2. Click Feature Configuration.

  3. Enable the Enable Native Connector Migration to OCF Connector toggle.

  4. Click Save Changes.

You must be a Server Admin to perform the migration. To migrate your data source to OCF using the Alation interface:


Migration to an OCF connector is irreversible.We recommend saving the settings of your source or taking screenshots of the Settings page before performing the migration.

  1. Select the RDBMS data source or BI Source or File System source that you want to migrate.

  2. Go to the General Settings page of the RDBMS or File System source. For BI Source, go to the catalog page to perform the migration.


    This is a good time to take screenshots or otherwise take note of the current settings for your data source. Some settings will not be migrated. You will need to manually reconfigure any settings that aren’t migrated.

  3. To migrate:

    1. For RDBMS and File System sources - Scroll down to the bottom of the page and Click Migrate. The migration dialog appears.

    2. For BI Source - On the catalog page, click Migrate on the top right. The migration dialog appears.

  4. Using the Choose a Connector drop-down menu, select the OCF connector you’re migrating to. The connector name indicates what type of database it supports. If the needed OCF connector is unavailable in the drop-down list, you must first install the connector. See Manage Connectors for directions.


    Data source migration to an OCF connector is irreversible. If you select the wrong OCF connector, your data source could become permanently broken.

  5. To verify that you’ve chosen the right connector, type in the entire connector name and version in capital letters in the Connector Name field. Type the exact name as shown in the Choose a Connector drop-down menu. This will enable the Migrate button.

  6. Click Migrate.

  7. The data source will be migrated to the chosen OCF connector, and the OCF data source settings page will open. Check the notes you made of your previous settings and reconfigure any settings that were not migrated.

Migration Log Location

For on-premise installations of Alation, the migration logs are available in the ocf.log file at /opt/alation/site/logs location within the alation shell.

Validate Connection after Migration

After the migration, validate the connection between Alation and the database. To test the connection:

  1. In the Alation user interface, go to the Settings page of the source that was migrated.

  2. Scroll down to the Test Connection section.

  3. Under Test Connection, click Test. The test should return the message Network connection successful.

  4. If the connection fails, check and update the connection settings and try again. You can also check the connector logs for any specific connection errors. For RDBMS data sources, to view the connector logs, click the link on top of the Settings page to go to the corresponding connector page in Admin Settings > Manage Connectors.


For on-premise instances, the migration logs are available in the ypireti.log, ypireti ocf.log file at /opt/alation/site/logs location within the alation shell. For migration failure, check logs from this file and reach out to the Alation Support for further assistance.

Post Migration Activity

Metadata Extraction

For the Custom DB sources that uses custom MDE queries for extraction of metadata needs to modify the custom queries for Table, Column, Index, in its OCF connector after migration as suggested below.

These changes needs to be made to the custom MDE queries in the OCF connectors even though the queries are successfully migrated. The examples provided in the below headings


In the Table query, replace TABLE as TABLE_NAME.


In the Column query, replace COLUMN as COLUMN_NAME and TABLE as TABLE_NAME.


In the Index query, replace COLUMN as COLUMN_NAME and TABLE as TABLE_NAME.

The following is a generic example to explain the differences between the custom MDE queries in Custom DB and OCF connector.

Custom MDE Query in Custom DB:

    SCHEMA_NAME(t.schema_id) AS 'SCHEMA',
    t.name AS 'TABLE',
    COL_NAME(ic.object_id, ic.column_id) AS 'COLUMN',
    i.name AS INDEX_NAME,
    i.type_desc AS TYPE,
    i.filter_definition AS FILTER_CONDITION,
    ic.key_ordinal AS ORDINAL_POSITION
    sys.indexes as i
INNER JOIN sys.index_columns AS ic
  ON i.object_id = ic.object_id
    AND i.index_id = ic.index_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects t
WHERE SCHEMA_NAME (t.schema_id) NOT IN ('''')
    AND SCHEMA_NAME (t.schema_id) NOT IN ( 'sys' , 'guest' ,
        'INFORMATION_SCHEMA' , 'db_accessadmin' , 'db_backupoperator' ,
        'db_datareader' , 'db_datawriter'  , 'db_ddladmin' ,
        'db_denydatareader' , 'db_denydatawriter' , 'db_owner' ,
        'db_securityadmin' , 'mdw' , 'ssisdb' , 'pdw' , 'QTables')

Custom MDE Query in OCF Connector:

    SCHEMA_NAME(t.schema_id) AS 'SCHEMA',
    t.name AS TABLE_NAME,
    COL_NAME(ic.object_id, ic.column_id) AS COLUMN_NAME,
    i.name AS INDEX_NAME,
    i.type_desc AS TYPE,
    i.filter_definition AS FILTER_CONDITION,
    ic.key_ordinal AS ORDINAL_POSITION
    sys.indexes as i
INNER JOIN sys.index_columns AS ic
  ON i.object_id = ic.object_id
    AND i.index_id = ic.index_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects t
WHERE SCHEMA_NAME (t.schema_id) NOT IN ('''')
    AND SCHEMA_NAME (t.schema_id) NOT IN ( 'sys' , 'guest' ,
        'INFORMATION_SCHEMA' , 'db_accessadmin' , 'db_backupoperator' ,
        'db_datareader' , 'db_datawriter'  , 'db_ddladmin' ,
        'db_denydatareader' , 'db_denydatawriter' , 'db_owner' ,
        'db_securityadmin' , 'mdw' , 'ssisdb' , 'pdw' , 'QTables')

Query Log Ingestion

For the Custom DB sources that uses custom QLI query for ingestion of queries needs to modify the custom QLI query in its OCF connector after migration as suggested below.

Replace ‘STARTTIME1’ as STARTTIME and ’STARTTIME2’ as ENDTIME in the custom QLI query. The following is a generic example to explain the differences.

Custom QLI Query in Custom DB:

  user AS userName,
  query AS queryString,
  source AS defaultDatabases,
  False AS sessionId,
  created AS sessionStartTime,
  started AS startTime,
  False AS cancelled,
  date_diff('second',"started", "end") AS secondsTaken,
  query_id AS sequence
  state ='FINISHED'
  started between timestamp 'STARTTIME1' and timestamp 'STARTTIME2'
  sessionId, startTime

Custom QLI Query in OCF Connector:

   user AS userName,
   query AS queryString,
   source AS defaultDatabases,
   False AS sessionId,
   created AS sessionStartTime,
   started AS startTime,
   False AS cancelled,
   date_diff('second',"started", "end") AS seconds,
   query_id AS sequence FROM system.runtime.queries
   state ='FINISHED'
   started between timestamp STARTTIME and timestamp ENDTIME
   sessionId, startTime