Version 2025.1

This section contains information on databases, file systems, and BI tools and their versions, supported as sources in Alation.


Alation has certified support for the versions in this matrix with release 2025.1. If your Alation instance uses a different release, refer to the Support Matrix corresponding to your release.

If you do not find the version of interest in this Support Matrix, contact Alation Support for clarifications.

This section include the following matrices:


Support matrix updates will be published every week if there are any changes. Connector updates are not tied to any specific major or patch releases.


Metadata Extraction (MDE)—Extraction of metadata from a source into the Alation catalog to provide users with a representation of the data in this source. Metadata extraction can be run manually or on an automatic schedule that depends on your organization’s needs and usage.

Sampling—Retrieval of data samples from cataloged data sources. When users perform sampling, Alation scans the first 10,000 rows of a table. A data sample is a random sample of 100 rows out of those 10,000 scanned rows. Data samples are intended to provide an insight into data in the tables in the catalog.

Profiling—Retrieval of a data sample for a column and statistical calculations on this sample. The profiling results are represented on the Frequency Distribution chart for a column object.

Query Log Ingestion (QLI)—Processing of a selection of database query logs to calculate Popularity, Top Users, and supply JOIN information to the catalog.

Popularity—Indicator of the popularity (intensity of use) of a data object, such as a table or a column. Popularity is calculated through an algorithm that analyzes both the results of Query Log Ingestion and Compose usage to determine the number of Alation users that have used the object and the number of times the object has been used.

Compose—Alation query tool to author, run, and publish SQL queries to the data catalog.

Lineage—Visual representation of how tables, views, and BI reports are derived from source tables.

Column-Level Lineage—Visual representation of data lineage at the column object level.