
Alation Cloud Service Applies to Alation Cloud Service instances of Alation

Customer Managed Applies to customer-managed instances of Alation

Test Connection

If the test connection fails, make sure the access key, secret key, account ID, and AWS region are entered correctly.

Metadata Extraction

  • If metadata extraction fails and you get an AccessDeniedException, it is a policy issue.

  • If no folders are fetched, make sure the QuickSight shared folders are not empty.


Alation Connector Manager Logs

To tail:

docker logs -f agent

To write to a file:

docker logs agent >& agent.logs 2>&1

Connector Logs


The alation_ypireti commands should be run from the Alation shell as the alation user.

To get the connector ID:

alation_ypireti list --fields id name

To get full logs:

alation_ypireti kratos --subcommand logs <connector_id>

To write logs to a file:

alation_ypireti kratos --subcommand logs <conector_id> > connector.log 2>&1

To write logs from specific date to a file:

alation_ypireti kratos --subcommand logs --since 2020-08-15 <connector_id> > connector.log 2>&1