Enable or Disable Query Scheduling

Alation Cloud Service Applies to Alation Cloud Service instances of Alation

Customer Managed Applies to customer-managed instances of Alation

A Server Admin can enable or disable the ability to schedule queries in one of two ways:

  • Using the Admin Settings in Alation.

  • Using the command line on the Alation server (for on-premise installations).

If query scheduling is enabled, Server Admins can disable individual query schedules in a convenient way using the Scheduled Queries Dashboard.

Admin Settings

To enable or disable query scheduling in Alation:

  1. Click the Settings gear icon in the top right corner of Alation. The Admin Settings page opens.

  2. In the Server Admin section, select Miscellaneous.

  3. Click the Query Scheduling toggle enable or disable query scheduling.

Alation Server

If you have an on-premise installation of Alation, you can use the command line to enable or disable scheduled queries:

  1. Get your user ID. You will need it to run the command that disables scheduled queries.

    1. Enter the Alation shell

      sudo /etc/init.d/alation shell
    2. Get the ID of the user substituting the sample values with actual values

      select id, username, email from auth_user where email like 'example%';
    3. Note the ID and exit psql:

  2. On the Alation host, run the following commands to disable query scheduling. Substitute the # in id=# with your user ID. Substitute '{yes/no}' with 'yes' or 'no' depending on whether you want to enable or disable query scheduling.

    sudo /etc/init.d/alation shell
    from rosemeta.models import SiteSettings
    setting = SiteSettings.get('misc_settings')
    setting['enable_query_scheduling'] = '{yes/no}'
    SiteSettings.set('misc_settings', setting, User.objects.get(id=#))