The SQL query execution QLI can be used when for some reason, you cannot create the view for QLI on the database. To perform QLI using this method,

  1. Make sure MDE is run.

  2. Go to the Query Log Ingestion tab.

  3. In V R5 (5.9.x) and above, select the checkbox Enable Table Based Query Log Ingestion. (In releases before V R5, this checkbox is not available, so skip this step).

  4. Enter the query for QLI under Query to Execute section.


    If a SQL query is provided on the Query Log Ingestion tab, the Query Log Privilege parameter on the General Settings tab will not take effect on QLI.

  1. Click Save.

  2. Under Run Manual Query Ingestion, set the Date Range for QLI.

  3. Click Preview to fetch a sample of QLI data.

  4. Click Import to start QLI. You can monitor the job status in the Job History table at the bottom of the page:


Example Queries for QLI

See below for query structure. Substitute the placeholder values in red with your actual values. DO NOT substitute values 'STARTTIME1' and 'STARTTIME2' in the WHERE filter.

Query 1

  <userNameColumn> AS userName,
  <textColumn> as queryString,
  <defaultDatabases> AS defaultDatabases,
  <sessionIdColumn> AS sessionId,
  <sessionStartTimeColumn> AS sessionStartTime,
  <StartTimeColumn> AS startTime,
  <QueryCancelledColumn> AS cancelled,
  <milliSecondsColumn> AS milliSeconds,
  <sequenceidColumn> AS sequence
FROM <Table/View>
    ORDER BY sessionId, startTime

Query 2

SELECT * FROM <Table/View>
  ORDER BY sessionId, startTime

Example: If the name of the table or view you are using is SYS.alation_query_log_view, then the complete query should be as follows:

SELECT * FROM SYS.alation_query_log_view
   WHERE startTime between 'STARTTIME1' and 'STARTTIME2'
   ORDER BY sessionId, startTime