Data Objects Without Stewards¶
Alation Cloud Service Applies to Alation Cloud Service instances of Alation
Customer Managed Applies to customer-managed instances of Alation
The Data Objects Without Stewards report is part of Analytics Stewardship. It’s intended to help catalog stewards determine which data objects in the catalog still don’t have a steward assigned. It also provides a quick way to assign one.
The Stewardship Dashboard and the Data Objects Without Stewards report are not available in the New User Experience.
The Data Objects Without Stewards report is available in two views:
Data Objects Without Stewards—Summary on the Stewardship Dashboard
Data Objects Without Stewards—Full Report on a dedicated page.
Data Objects Without Stewards—Summary¶
The Data Objects Without Stewards summary on the Stewardship Dashboard is a donut chart showing objects with and without a steward assignment. The view provides a quick insight into how many objects still require curators to lead the catalog enrichment effort.

To be steward of a catalog object (data source, schema, table, or column), a user or group must be added as a value to the Stewards field on the catalog page of this object.
The summary chart can be filtered by object type or by a specific parent object using the natural language filter.
Data Type—List filter with options like Data Sources, Schemas, Tables, and Columns. Use this filter to narrow the report down to one type of RDBMS object.
Filter in—Quick filter that allows searching and filtering for a specific parent object. You can search among data sources, schemas, and tables in your Alation catalog.
To open the full view that allows access to more data, click the Detailed View link on top right of the summary report.
Data Objects Without Stewards—Full Report¶
To open the full-page report:
Open the Curate and Govern page.
Under Curate, click Assign Stewards to open the report.
This full report includes a donut chart and the Per Object Details table:
The donut chart visualizes data at a high level.
The Per Object Details view lists the specific objects which do not have a steward. By default, it displays 25 rows per page and is sorted by Popularity in descending order.

The Per Object Details table can be sorted by Name, Title, Curation Progress or Popularity by clicking on the corresponding column name:
Name—Name of the object.
Title—When available, the title assigned by Alation Lexicon and confirmed by a user.
Curation Progress—The Curation Progress value for each object.
Popularity—Popularity of the object. By default, the table is sorted by popularity in descending order.
Steward—This column has a control that allows assigning a steward to the data object directly from the report.
Assign a Steward¶
You can assign stewards directly in the Per Object Details table.
To assign yourself as a steward, click Assign To Me for an object. This action will add you as a steward to this object, and your username will be added to the Steward field on its catalog page.
You can also assign a different user or a group as stewards. To assign someone else:
Locate the object you need in Per Objects Details view and click the down arrow on the right of the Assign To Me button to open the quick search field.
Enter the name of the user or group and select them from the result list. Alternatively, you can select User or Group from the Showing list and then scroll through the names and select the desired user or group.
After the user or group is selected, the Steward column will change from a button to the name of the selected user or group.
To remove or change the assignment, use the X icon next to the steward’s name.