Start a New Query

Alation Cloud Service Applies to Alation Cloud Service instances of Alation

Customer Managed Applies to customer-managed instances of Alation

There are several ways to start a new query both in catalog and in Compose.

In the catalog, there are two ways you can start a new query:

  • Click the Apps dropdown in the upper-right corner of the navigation banner and click Compose.

  • Click Compose in the upper-right corner of the page of any data source and its data objects.


In Compose, there are also two ways you can start a new query:

  • Click Compose in the upper-left top toolbar, then click either New Query or New Query on Last Data Source.

  • Click the plus button to open a query in a new tab.

    • The Create a new query dialog will appear for you to choose which data source to place your new query.
