
Alation Cloud Service Applies to Alation Cloud Service instances of Alation

Customer Managed Applies to customer-managed instances of Alation

ACS Customers

If you are an Alation Cloud Service customer, ensure you have Alation Agent installed and running. The Agent is mandatory for this connector in ACS deployments.

On-premise / Self-managed Alation Customers

Check Alation Connector Manager (ACM) is installed and running. ACM is mandatory for OCF connectors.

Create a Service Account

The enhanced connector for AWS QuickSight supports basic authentication.

Basic authentication requires an AWS IAM user and the access key ID and secret access key for this user.

Before you install and configure the enhanced connector for AWS QuickSight, create an AWS IAM user account for Alation and save the values of the access key ID, secret access key, AWS region, and AWS account ID. You will need to provide them in Alation when configuring the connection to AWS QuickSight.

Ensure that you grant the required permissions to the IAM user.

Permissions for the Service Account

Grant the IAM user account the required permissions by creating and attaching the following policy:

  • A policy for the QuickSight service with these permissions:

    • quicksight:ListUsers

    • quicksight:ListFolders

    • quicksight:DescribeFolder

    • quicksight:ListFolderMembers

    • quicksight:DescribeDataSet

    • quicksight:DescribeDataSource

    • quicksight:DescribeDashboard

    • quicksight:DescribeAnalysis