AWS Glue without Hive¶
Available from Alation V R4 (5.8.0)
Required Information¶
You will need the following information:
Access Key ID The access ID of the service account for AWS Glue
Access Key Secret The secret key of the service account for AWS Glue.
AWS Region The default value is us-east-1. If the value of the AWS Region is other than the default, enter values as mentioned under the Region column at AWS region documentation.
Steps to Configure AWS Glue without Hive¶
Follow the steps in Add Data Sources to bring up the Add Data Source Wizard. AWS Glue without Hive requires specific settings in the Data Source Wizard. Follow the steps as listed.
Step 1: Add a Data Source Wizard Page¶
Enter the following information on the Data Source Wizard Page:
Database Type Hive2
Metastore select Use AWS Glue checkbox.
Access Key ID
Access Key Secret
AWS Region
No JDBC connection is made. Do not enter information for the JDBC URI, or Host fields. The port field should be left at the default value.
Do not select the checkbox Use Kerberos as Kerberos is NOT supported.
Click Save and Continue.
Step 2: Service Account Wizard Page¶
Leave all fields blank on the Service Account page. Click Save and Continue.

Step 3: Configure Wizard Page¶
On the Configure Wizard page, leave all fields blank. Click Skip This Step.

Data Source General Settings¶
The credentials for AWS Glue can be changed from the General Settings tab. After changing the details, click Save. No service account is necessary for this connection. Leave the Service Account section blank.

Metadata Extraction¶
Metadata Extraction is run to build the catalog. From the Metadata Extraction tab, click Fetch from DB Now! to fetch the schema.
The extended metadata extracted includes only the following: Owner Information, Table Location, and Created Time. This information appears on Table Properties in the Alation catalog.

Not supported for connection to AWS Glue without Hive.
Query Log Ingestion Setup¶
Not supported for connection to AWS Glue without Hive.