Object Query Maker

V R7 (5.12.x) and earlier releases


This section is for Alation Analytics Version 1 (V1).

The Alation Analytics team has provided a python script to help you quickly create queries that retrieve objects with values in specific fields: Github link.

It takes in the field_id and field_datatype value for each property of an Alation object stored in Alation Analytics and produces a complete query that will give you all Alation objects of the specified type that have the fields called out in the script filled-in.


This query will only retrieve objects that are an absolute match with the data packet defined in the script (that is, they have values filled in  ALL the specified fields).

After you run the script, the query will automatically be added to your clipboard. All you need to do is paste it into Compose.


This script uses the pyperclip python module. To run the script, make sure you have it installed on your machine.

Follow the steps below to use the query maker script.

Getting the Input Data

  1. Open Compose and run the following query against your Alation Analytics instance:

      public.object_field_value ASOFV
      JOIN public.object_field AS OBF ON OFV.field_id = OBF.field_id
      OFV.object_type_id = $ { Object Type ID };

    This is a parameterized query that will require you should provide the object type ID for the object you are analyzing.


    For more on how to find out the object type ID, see Understanding Analytics Object Queries.

  2. You will see the following in Compose:

  3. Provide the Object Type ID and click Get Results. The query will return the field_id, field_name, and field_datatype values for all fields on the specified object type:

  4. Note down the field_id and field_datatype for the fields you want to analyze further.

Object Identification

  1. Download the q_maker script file to your machine.

  2. Open the script file. First you will need to identify the object type for which you want the query to be created. Find the following section:

    # A data packet example is given below
    # format: "{field: [field_id, field datatype]}"
    data_dict = {'private':[3255,'boolean_value'],
                'title':[3, 'text_value']}
    object_name = 'article'
    object_type_id = 0

 3. For object_type_id, specify the object type ID value of the objects you are analyzing. You can also update the object_name value to reflect what object type you are analyzing. For example, for the article object type, your values will be:

object_name = 'article'
object_type_id = 0

 4. For data_dict, specify the field_id and field_datatype for the fields you want to look at.


Suppose you want to get values for the following fields of the article object type:


The data_dict parameter in your script should look like:

data_dict = {'private':[3255,'boolean_value'],
             'Post_id':[3249, 'integer_value'],
             'Title':[3, 'text_value]}

The format for each field you want to include should be:

{field_name: [field_id, field_datatype_value]}

This is based on the values in the public.field_value table in Alation Analytics. The field_datatype_value you specify here should exactly  match the corresponding column name in public.field_value.

You can append _value to the value of field_datatype you retrieved in the initial query described in Getting the Input Data. For example, if the field_datatype value is integer, then specify integer_value as field_datatype_value in the data_dict parameter.

  1. Save the changes to the script file and run the script from the Terminal. This sends a complete query to your buffer.

Running the Query in Compose

  1. Back in Compose, open a new query for the Alation Analytics data source.

  2. Paste the content from your buffer into the query statement:


    Example query generated by this script:

      FV_builtin_name.text_value AS builtin_name,
      FV_private.boolean_value AS private,
      FV_title.text_value AS title
      public.alation_object AS AO -- Get builtin_name for the article
      JOIN public.object_field_value AS OFV_builtin_name ON AO.object_uuid = OFV_builtin_name.object_uuid
      AND AO.object_type_id = OFV_builtin_name.object_type_id -- Get field value
      JOIN public.field_value AS FV_builtin_name ON OFV_builtin_name.value_fp = FV_builtin_name.value_fp
      -- Get private for the article
      JOIN public.object_field_value AS OFV_private ON AO.object_uuid = OFV_private.object_uuid
      AND AO.object_type_id = OFV_private.object_type_id -- Get field value
      JOIN public.field_value AS FV_private ON OFV_private.value_fp = FV_private.value_fp
      -- Get title for the article
      JOIN public.object_field_value AS OFV_title ON AO.object_uuid = OFV_title.object_uuid
      AND AO.object_type_id = OFV_title.object_type_id -- Get field value
      JOIN public.field_value AS FV_title ON OFV_title.value_fp = FV_title.value_fp
      AO.object_type_id = 0
      AND -- get only field_id = 3023, builtin_name
      OFV_builtin_name.field_id = 3023
      AND -- get only field_id = 3255, private
      OFV_private.field_id = 3255
      AND -- get only field_id = 3, title
      OFV_title.field_id = 3;
  3. Run the query. The result will retrieve values for the fields you have specified and for all the objects of the type you have specified:
