Customize Homepage JSON - V R4 to V R7

Applies to releases V R4 (5.8.x) - V R7 (5.12.x)

Homepage JSON Structure

The JSON you will send using the Homepage API should have the definitions of the elements you want to see on the Homepage and their properties.

JSON Structure

  "action_links" : [
    #this is the Promoted Actions section that appears on top and holds the links to actions
          #this object is a tile
          "title" : "value",
          "img" : "path to image",
          "navigateURL" : "URL"
  "admin_sections" : [
    #this is the Curated by Your Admins section that can include carousel rows and object windows
          #this object is a carousel row that includes tiles
          "type": "carousel",
          "title" : "value",
          "tiles" : [
              #this array lists the tiles on this carousel
                "title" : "value",
                "img" : "path to image",
                "navigateURL" : "URL",
                "description" : "value",
                "expandDescriptions" : true
      #this object is an object window row that includes object windows
      "type": "object_window_row",
      "objects": [
          #this array lists object windows in this object window row
             "otype": "<otype value>",
             "oid": <oid>


Both the "admin_sections" and "article_links" objects must exist in the homepage.json, even if they are empty. It is not possible to completely hide main sections from the Home Page. If the section is empty in the customized JSON, Alation will display the default configuration for this section.

The bare minimum JSON would look like this:

    "action_links" : [
    "admin_sections" : [




Includes the tiles in the Promoted Actions Banner


Includes objects of type carousel and object_window_row


A row of tiles


A row of object windows (elements that reference specific Alation objects)

Examine the customization of each section and the properties of its elements, below.

Curated by Your Admins

Curated by Your Admins section is displayed under the Revisit section. Here you can customize:

  • The number of carousel rows - add/remove the carousel objects

  • The number and order of tiles in a carousel - add/remove the tile objects nested in a carousel object

  • The order of the rows or tiles - list the rows or tiles the way you want they should appear in UI

  • Titles of carousels - provide or change the title of the carousel object

  • Titles of the tiles - change the title property of the tile object

  • Description of the tiles - optionally, add a description to the tile object

  • The target URLs of the tiles - provide the target URL for the tiles using the navigateURL property

  • Color of the background images of the tiles - define a color from a range of supported colors

  • The number of object windows - add/remove object windows to object window rows

  • Content of object windows - provide the otype and oid values of the target object.

Sample Curated By Your Admins:


Curated By Your Admins JSON

In homepage.json, this section appears as the “admin_sections” object. Each row of this section is either a carousel or an object window row.

Object visibility is limited by permissions. If a user does not have permission to view the object, the corresponding object window will not be displayed on the page. Currently, the supported object types are:

  • article

  • bi_report

  • tableau_sheet

For Articles, a user can only view the fields that they have permission for. For example, if a custom field is not visible to the user, it will not show up; however, the rest of the article will be displayed.

Each row can have one or two object windows.


Sample JSON

  "admin_sections": [
      "type": "carousel",
      "title" : "Here are Articles you might like",
      "tiles" : [
          "title" : "Getting started for data stewards",
          "img" : "/static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/ArticleBlue.png",
          "navigateURL" : "/article/19090/",
          "description" : "MySQL",
          "otype" : "bi_report",
          "expandDescriptions" : true
          "title" : "Getting Started for Query Writers",
          "img" : "/static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/ArticleGreen.png",
          "navigateURL" : "/article/68/",
          "description" : "Some description is here #2",
          "expandDescriptions" : true
          "title" : "Getting started for Admins",
          "img" : "/static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/ArticleOrange.png",
          "navigateURL" : "/article/20147/",
          "description" : "Test workbook"





Title of a carousel or a tile

Use to customize the title


Path to the background image

Use to change the background image or its color. See Customizing the Color of the Tiles.


URL of the target page the user is redirected to after clicking on the tile

Change the target link. Check if the tile URL is correctly formatted URLs require a trailing backslash "/": "/article/20147/"


Description shown on a sliding out background on top of the tile

Provide the description


If True, will expand description upon hover-over on the tile.


Type of Alation object

Supported types are:

  • article

  • bi_report

  • tableau_sheet


ID of object. When otype and oid are specified, Alation will populate the title and description for this object window from the object itself.

You can find the oid in Alation URL for the object page. For example, for an article with the URL: the oid is the ID you find after /article/: 878


Optional property


Optional property

Customizing the Color of the Tiles

Currently, tile image colors are generated randomly. If you want to define specific image colors for specific tiles, you will need to add the color to the img key value for the tile object. See the table below for the object type that matches the image, and what the corresponding URL is. Background color change is supported for the following object types:

  • article

  • custom_glossary (business glossaries)

  • attribute (columns)

  • data (data sources)

  • schema

  • table

  • tag

  • bi_report (BI reports)

Current supported colors are:

  • blue

  • orange

  • purple

  • teal

  • red

  • yellow

  • green

Object Type





/static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/Article+ <Color>.png Example: /static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/ArticleBlue.png



/static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/BG+<Color>.png Example: /static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/BGBlue.png



/static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/Column+ <Color>.png Example: /static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/ColumnBlue.png



/static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/DataSource+<Color>.png Example: /static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/DataSourceBlue.png



/static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/Query+<Color>.png Example: /static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/QueryBlue.png



/static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/Schema+ <Color>.png Example: /static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/SchemaBlue.png



/static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/Table+<Color>.png Example: /static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/TableBlue.png



/static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/Tag+<Color>.png Example: /static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/TagBlue.png



/static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/BIReport+<Color>.png Example: /static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/BIReportBlue.png



/static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/<Color>.png Example: /static/img/homepage_images/colored_images/Blue.png